Francisco Vidal is show  "BRIDGING THE GAP"3     Juried Exhibitions,  3 Queens Venues,40 Queens ArtistsLiC-A, Long Island City ArtistsFlushing Town Hall137-35 Northern Boulevard, Flushing , NYopening reception and press Invitational: Thursday June 27th ,4-7pm Closed; July 14.5pm.

Francisco Vidal Colombian Artist with hi painting "The Artist" from the series the Artist ad the Opening "BRIDGING THE GAP"

La Guardia Community College
31-10 Thomson Ave, Long Island City, NY.11101
Thursday, September 12- Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Gallery hours: Monday - Friday 10am-5pm
E Building, Floors 5, Tel: 718-482-7200 


Francisco Vidal ad the Opening ad La Guardia Community College with  Painting "The Artist"
QCC Gallery at Queens borough Community CollegeThursday, Nov 7, 2013 - Sunday , January 19, 2014 Opening: Thursday, November 14 , 2013 .5-8pm222-05 56th Avenue,Bayside,NY.11384General hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm,Thurs 10am - 7pm, Saturday & Sunday 12 - 4pm. tel. 718-631-6396

                                                                     Yo are interest in any work to buy please call: 347-456-4826

or here go to store and pay with PAY PAL or e-mail me ad .

HURRY 20 % Discount Offer from any one work on the web side


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